Women like men who take first steps

When a man comes to the dating site of meetings with the Russian and Ukrainian girls he should know traditions of upbringing of women in slavonic countries a bit. Women usually are quite rare to be first to introduce themselves as traditional upbringing requires a lot of modesty from women. Of course, contemporary world changes a lot character of women but still they give initiative to men in settling a contact. So, dear men, try to be first to show your interest.

Communication tools
  • You will find a free online translator below letters of every user. Try to write your thoughts with short sentences to have a translation of high quality and to preserve the whole sense of sentences. Do not allow grammar errors. In this case online translator will help you in communication a lot.
  • Apply to managers of the site if you have any questions which you cannot solve by yourself. Our managers will always be glad to answer all the questions, give a piece of advice or provide emotional help in different situations.
  • You can apply to director of agency with your private questions.

RED HEARTS Red hearts below the photos will show your compatibility with a woman (the system of the site is programmed in such a way).

If below the photo you see all red hearts it means a good level of compatibility, pink - average, violet - bad compatibility.

5 hearts red is a very good compatibility. This is not a guarantee that you will fall in love with each other, but basing on our practice we can say that without compatiblity relationships can hardly develop or there can appear problems on a later stage. If the hearts are pink of violet (so compatibility is not very good) read about problems which will emerge in possible relationships and decide by yourself if you are willing to cope with them.

  1. In the first letter to the girl write why she attracted you. Probably, her beautiful eyes did not let you pass her profile.
  2. Catalogue of postcards will help to express emotions.
  3. If your attraction is really strong you can order delivery of flowers to the girl through our site.

Honest aquaintances is a basis of happy and sincere love

Dear men, please, remember that all the women came to the site searching for a husband. If you are not sure that you would like to get married with a woman just be honest and continue your searches.
Do not play with feelings of the women! Such games bring a lot of pain and disappointment. Do not waste your energy for nonsense.
Believe us, your heart will be singing when you meet real mutual love. Honesty and sincerety is a basis for happy relationships and happy family.

If you like me game will help you to see at the initial stage if your attraction is mutual.

All users of the site participate in the game. The rules are simple. Men look through photos of women and women look through photos of men. Below every photo there is a question if you would like to build relationships with this person. Variants of answers are Yes and No. All answers of the users remain to be secret. At every stage of the game you can see how much mutual attractions you have. It is much more easier to start communication with a person who already liked your appearance.

Howto win the heart of the girl?

If your communication with the girl brings a lot of mutual happiness present her bunch of flowers to win her heart completely. Such a beautiful gift will make relationships stronger.

50 000 of brides are waiting for their princes. Ypu will definitely meet your future wife on our site

Cvetlana, 43 y.o.
from Belarus

Мария, 44 y.o.
from Russia

Ева, 25 y.o.
from Russia

Анастасия, 32 y.o.
from Thailand

Safi, 40 y.o.
from Russia

Анастасия, 21 y.o.
from Russia

There are different nominations in photo contests for women

Ypu can see your future wife from different sides. For example, in the contest My funny photo you will see girls whose cheerful character can bring you a lot of smiling in communication and probably, lots of happy feelings in reality. Also we have a contest of modelling photos. If model appearance of your future wife is important for you then you have a lot of chances to realize your dream with our help.

A woman's happiness


In one Russian song there are words: "A woman's happiness is the beloved man to be near". Family is the main priority in lives of many women in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of Eastern Europe. Women mostly want to realize themselves as wives and mothers. So if you are searching for a woman for creation of warm family relationships then you can look through a big catalogue of our briides and...

one of the girls will definitely win your heart.


Wonders with your own hands. One day when your heart will be full of light and strong love you will exchange rings with your belved woman and will start a family life. From this moment you will share all difficulties and joys. If your common house will be in your country then try to show as much care as possible towards wife as moving to another country and adaptation there is a big challenge.

Carea lot about your wife, show her a lot of attention to keep atmosphere in ypur house warm.

1 How to start communication with the girl? First of all, decide if you really want to start relationships exactly with this girl. It is important for attraction to be sincere then communication will be easy and pleasant.

  • If you cannot make your choise for a long time then ask yourself why you keep searching for new women? Maybe you are searching for new fans by inertia not paying attention to something more important?
  • State true data in profiles: age, height, weight. It is better not to start communication even with the slightest lie.

2Be natural and real from the first moment of communication, do not wear a mask. It depends upon it if communication is convenient. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with a natural person.


Beware scammers! Do not forget about being attentive starting communication with unknown women.


If you understand that the woman starts to hint on money support or asks for money directly be able to say No. Your firm position will be a good lesson for swindlers.


Birthday this week!!!

Wish me happy birthday

Рита, 39 y.o. wants to find a partner from USA, Europe, Australia

Wish me happy birthday

Ksenia, 39 y.o. wants to find a partner from USA, Europe, Australia

Wish me happy birthday

Юлия, 22 y.o. wants to find a partner from USA, Europe, Australia

Wish me happy birthday

Alena, 40 y.o. wants to find a partner from USA, Europe, Australia

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